Sunday, August 1, 2010


It's Sunday and I am exhausted. I have had practice all week and I have one more day before it starts over which I do not mind. Today as most days my allergies were horrible. I have very bad allergies to pollen, esp animal pollen and as always I broke out in hives. Not the funnest thing in the world but I just march myself to the kitchen and pull out the allergy medicine. Some genes I wish could have skipped me but whatcha gonna do. So I am very addicted to dumb sites were you see pictures and comics and random stuff people posted and I love that comic cyanide. Uh the lazy days of summer. I recently moved from Florida and went last year with my best friend to the keys. Here are a few pics.


  1. I suffer with allergies too, they can be a real pain.

    Great pics.

  2. Oh yes, esp around these times. And thanks :)
